Personal and professional counselling
- Our counselors are professionally trained expert who helps people overcome their issues after a systematic chain of sessions. The types of counselling vary, depending on the needs of the clients.
- Its sad how in the old days, psychological traumas were left unaddressed.
- But now we are here to provide you the required therapy that allows people to discuss their problems with trained professionals in a peaceful and safe ambiance. We are providing you different mode of counselling as per your need and convenience e.g. In-Person, Group Counselling, Telephonic Sessions and/or Online Counselling etc.
- The Counselling Relationship
- Parent, Child, Teacher, Family or Professional Relationship
- The complexities of Growth
- Psychological Development
- Conflict and Stress Management
- Behavior Therapies
- Grief and Bereavement
- Working with Children and Vulnerable
- Handling of Dysfunctional Families
- Deal with Co-dependency
- Guidance on Professional Growth and Decision Making